B2B Marketing Benchmarks 

What does good look like?


Benchmarking in marketing is a powerful strategic tool. In the B2B arena, successful businesses are the ones that leverage benchmarking to help them answer key questions like:

  • How do we stack up against our competition in terms of lead generation and conversion rates?
  • How do we perform across our platforms, campaigns and channels?

When you identify the right benchmarking metrics, you equip yourself with vital knowledge and insights for the growth journey.

To help you develop a B2B benchmarking strategy that will deliver more, higher quality sales opportunities, we've developed this eGuide. We take a closer look at what B2B benchmarking actually is, the strategies you can employ, choosing your marketing metrics and much more.

Includes benchmark data from Australian and New Zealand tech companies.


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A peek inside...

  • Unveiling the essence of benchmarking in B2B marketing - the process of comparing your company's performance metrics, strategies, and practices to those of your competitors
  • B2B benchmarking strategies - a look at some of the most common. Which one fits best with your organisation?
  • Measuring the tides of success - why it matters
  • Choosing your B2B marketing metrics - clearly defining your objectives will guide you toward metrics that hold the most significance
  • B2B tech marketing metrics from Australia and New Zealand - performance stats from a representative sample of  B2B tech companies from New Zealand and Australia
  • What to watch for in 2023 - the rise of generative AI

Harness the power of benchmarking to excel in these competitive waters.