February was a short month, but of course, packed to the brim with releases that will delight you HubSpot enthusiasts. Here’s the entire list for your endless scrolling pleasure, but to keep you moving faster, our team has highlighted their favorites
Activity index pages for notes, postal mail, communication (WhatsApp, LinkedIn, SMS)
An admin’s dream - HubSpot has finally unlocked index pages in the CRM for activities. Navigate your client communications with ease. You can create views, add filters, view associations, and make bulk actions across your records.

*available to all hubs and tiers
Set marketing contact status action, available across more workflow types
Take full control of marketing contacts’ status across more workflows, boosting audience management and cost efficiency. You can now update marketing status for associated contacts within your deal, ticket, and other object workflows.
*available to all Marketing Hub Pro+ customers
Meeting Assistant in the Sales Workspace
Your sales reps are going to love this. Go into meetings armed with CRM insights and customer history. It summarises calls with detailed information about attendees, takeaway actions, and AI-generated meeting notes so nothing slips through the cracks.
*available to all Sales Hub Pro+ customers
If you’d like to dive deeper into any of these updates and explore how they can benefit your HubSpot portal, feel free to reach out. As your trusted HubSpot partner, we’re here to help you maximise these features and get the most from your HubSpot investment.
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