Supporting impact-focussed engineering consultants to drive growth

How Concentrate's digital marketing and HubSpot expertise helped DETA reach new markets and exceed benchmarks

The Client


DETA  specialise in energy efficiency consulting and engineering services, working with clients across New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. They help them achieve energy, water and carbon emission reductions, while enabling them to make smart energy and sustainability business decisions.

An impact-focussed business, DETA have a stated mission to remove 2 million tonnes of carbon emissions by 2030 through the work they do.

The Challenge

A need for specialists in the science behind digital marketing

DETA  faced several challenges that necessitated a strategic approach to their marketing efforts. One of the primary hurdles was the fact that the marketing function within the company was entirely new. Coupled with this was the recent completion of a major rebranding initiative, which demanded focused attention on day-to-day tasks. "I didn't have a marketing team, so it was really hard to be doing that and progressing any marketing strategy," recalls Anne-Maree Ward, DETA's Marketing Executive. "I realised that digital marketing channels were going to be absolutely critical to our B2B strategy going forward. It was pretty obvious that we needed a partner, one that specialised in the science behind digital marketing."

This realisation is what brought Concentrate onto DETA's radar. "I went to my network and talked to people who had had really senior marketing roles," says Anne-Maree. "I came across someone who had worked with Concentrate and had the same challenge, and she told me about what their expertise had done for her."

"I came across someone who had worked with Concentrate and had the same challenge, and she told me about what their expertise had done for her."
Anne-Maree Ward
Anne-Maree Ward

Marketing Executive

The Solution

Ongoing digital marketing campaigns and leveraging the power of HubSpot

DETA's partnership with Concentrate began with targeted digital marketing campaigns, such as an Australian Water Roadmap initiative launched in September 2023. This campaign, which included tutorials and documentation, marked DETA's foray into the Australian market — a significant milestone for the company's expansion efforts.

Concentrate's expertise was essential for upskilling DETA's team in digital marketing best practices. “I'm a strategic marketer, not a digital marketer," Anne-Maree explains. "We needed guidance around things like organic traffic and Google. Concentrate provided invaluable support every step of the way."

Subsequent campaigns, such as that around high temperature heat pumps, served as learning opportunities for further refinement and optimisation. With each campaign, DETA gained deeper insights and honed their approach to digital marketing, identifying new possibilities for growth and engagement.

One of the pivotal moments in the partnership was the implementation of HubSpot as a comprehensive marketing automation platform. "It would be fair to say we were using HubSpot as an electronic telephone book," Anne-Maree says. "Now, we're able to leverage the marketing power and the marketing functions that are built into HubSpot."

The partnership with Concentrate also shed light on the importance of data integrity - a critical aspect often overlooked in marketing endeavours. Through data management and leveraging HubSpot's features, DETA has gained valuable insights into its customer database and identified areas for improvement. Concentrate's guidance in addressing data integrity issues has proved instrumental in optimising DETA's marketing efforts. "That's something else that Concentrate have come in and helped me with," says Anne-Maree. "It's opened up a Pandora's box of things that we have to fix and things that we need to do. It would have taken me months of watching videos and YouTube tutorials to try and get it done myself."

"It's opened up a Pandora's box of things that we have to fix and things that we need to do. It would have taken me months of watching videos and YouTube tutorials to try and get it done myself."
Anne-Maree Ward
Anne-Maree Ward

Marketing Executive

The Results

The impact of collaboration in achieving ambitious goals

DETA's partnership with Concentrate has surpassed expectations. From a lead generation standpoint, there was a significant surge in website traffic during campaign periods — testament to the effectiveness of Concentrate's targeted strategies. This surge not only exceeded initial projections but also underscored the potential for reaching and engaging with the target audience on a broader scale. "It showed us the power of what we were doing in terms of reach and engagement," Anne-Maree explains. "I've got this huge blip in my graphs of website traffic for that particular time in the campaign and it just blew it out of the chart."

DETA also observed improved conversion rates and new contact acquisitions across all campaigns, outperforming industry benchmarks. "Concentrate put out a paper with some industry benchmarks,” says Anne-Maree. "All of the campaigns we've done so far in the Australian market, which is a new market for us, we are above those benchmarks."

Since bringing Concentrate on board in October 2023, DETA have achieved a 1.73% increase in new contacts, and a 1.56% increase in new customers.

One of the most compelling aspects of the partnership was the ability to maximise budgetary resources while achieving tangible results. Unlike previous attempts at digital marketing, which yielded poor outcomes despite significant investment of time and money, DETA saw a remarkable improvement in ROI by working with Concentrate. This newfound efficiency allowed DETA to allocate resources more strategically and achieve greater impact with less expenditure. "It's down to Concentrate's expertise in optimising campaign performance," Anne-Maree says. "That optimisation is something you need to have your finger on when you're running a campaign."

Anne-Maree also notes the role of Concentrate's flexibility in navigating the complexities of digital marketing. With a team dedicated to staying abreast of best practice, Concentrate provided support in driving campaign success. The flexibility to tailor services to DETA's specific needs, whether through comprehensive support or targeted training, highlights Concentrate's commitment to working with clients to achieve their goals. "What I would say to anyone is that unless you're a HubSpot expert yourself, you need these guys," Anne-Maree says. "They're so flexible. It's like, do you need the full package or do you just want some training wheels? It's just so great to have a partnership where Concentrate are like - you’re our baby birds and we want to see you fly."


1.73% increase in new contacts

1.56% increase in new customers

Remarkable improvement in ROI

"What I would say to anyone is that unless you're a HubSpot expert yourself, you need these guys"
Anne-Maree Ward
Anne-Maree Ward

Marketing Executive

Looking ahead

What does the future hold?

The focus shifts towards building upon the successes of the past and refining strategies for sustained growth and impact. 2024 represents a period of consolidation, where insights gleaned from previous campaigns will inform future endeavours.

With a solid foundation established in driving website traffic, engagement, conversions, and new contacts, the emphasis now lies in assessing the quality of these outcomes. DETA is keen to explore new avenues to enhance lead quality and nurture relationships with prospects.

Central to this is the ongoing partnership with Concentrate, which has been instrumental in guiding DETA through its digital marketing journey. The collaborative nature of the partnership has been characterised by a genuine commitment to mutual learning and understanding.

"The whole time I've felt there's been this real, authentic and genuine desire from the team to find out about us," says Anne-Maree. "It has never been, look, we are the experts. We know what to do here. It's that we understand the tech, we understand science, we understand how to optimise things, but please help us understand what your goals and objectives are. I'm really excited about what we can achieve together."

"It has never been, look, we are the experts. We know what to do here. It's that we understand the tech, we understand science, we understand how to optimise things, but please help us understand what your goals and objectives are. I'm really excited about what we can achieve together."
Anne-Maree Ward
Anne-Maree Ware

Marketing Executive


If you'd like to find out more about how Concentrate can do for your organisation what we’ve done for DETA , don't hesitate to get in touch.