CRM-Driven Marketing

A critical part of your B2B tech growth strategy

When it comes to leveraging your sales and marketing tech stack, your CRM is often an overlooked tool for driving lead generation. The question is: are you making the most of it?

Typically, the CRM is seen as a sales management tool by B2B tech companies. But if you want to gain a complete picture of the buyer journey and really leverage the power of the CRM, both sales and marketing need to be connected to it as the single source of truth.

CRM-driven marketing is about using your knowledge of your customers and prospects to deliver more relevant and effective lead generation and nurturing campaigns.

In this eGuide, we'll take a closer look at CRM-driven marketing and why it's important for the growth of B2B tech businesses.

CRM-Driven Marketing

What's inside this guide to CRM-driven marketing

When your sales and marketing teams integrate their tech stack, with the CRM driving their marketing strategy, they'll gain valuable insights that will help them personalise and concentrate their efforts.

  • CRM - a crucial element of your sales and marketing tech stack
    Are you fighting for sales with one hand tied behind your back? It's hard to successfully drive marketing if you don't have that CRM connection.
  • CRM- a tool for sales and marketing
    Why sales and marketing need to be aligned. Adopting a CRM-driven approach is how to achieve that.
  • CRM - driving growth
    CRM-driven marketing enables B2B tech companies to do more, do it faster, and understand the results.
  • CRM - 3 steps to get it working
    Audit your tech stack, get your tech talking and focus on continual improvement.

Think of CRM-driven marketing as a continuous improvement loop, one that enables your tech company to scale and grow.

About the author

As the Managing Director of Concentrate, Owen has extensive experience in the New Zealand technology industry, in technical, sales and marketing roles. Owen was recently appointed as a HubSpot Master Trainer – the first one in New Zealand.

His career has been focussed on helping businesses successfully develop, use or commercialise technology-based products and services. This includes periods working in the United Kingdom and the USA.

He analyses the sales and marketing benchmarks for Concentrate's annual Market Measures report, with insights from numerous New Zealand technology companies, and comparison data from their USA counterparts.

Currently, Owen's focus lies with implementing sales CRM systems to align sales and marketing activity for Concentrate and it's clients. 


Owen Scott
Director at Concentrate

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