CRM (3)

Get your HubSpot contact database in peak health

Managing your HubSpot CRM contact database doesn’t need to be a headache. Sign up for our monthly HubSpot Contact Health Report and receive a comprehensive analysis of your contact database, directly to your inbox. Gain insights into your contacts' key engagement metrics by lifecycle stage and empower your marketing and sales teams to prioritise database management for more effective strategy execution. 

Sign up to get your HubSpot Contact Health Report

Here's what you'll get:

For $200 a month, our detailed monthly HubSpot Contact Health Report delivers:

  • Lifecycle analysis: Track and understand your contacts’ journey through every stage—Subscriber, Lead, MQL, SQL, Opportunity, Customer, and more.
  • Contact metrics snapshot: Receive insights into contact subscription levels, total contacts, and a breakdown of key health indicators by activity and contact property utilisation:
    • Associated companies
    • Non-marketing contacts
    • Email bounces
    • Private emails
    • Missing personas
    • Unsubscribes
    • Lack of sales or marketing activity

Each report evaluates these elements, helping you (or your agency) make informed, data-driven decisions to improve your CRM's effectiveness.

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Why does contact health matter?

A healthy contact database is crucial for driving successful marketing and sales initiatives. With our Contact Health Report, you’ll have the insights you need to ensure your campaigns reach the right audience.

Did you know?
Having clean, organised data can significantly boost the efficiency of your marketing efforts and enhance the performance of AI-driven tools in HubSpot.

The top benefits of a healthy contact database:

Generate cost-effective traffic

Streamline CRM Management

Eliminate the hassle of sifting through multiple data points in HubSpot. Our report consolidates all your data into one easy-to-read format, saving you time and effort.


Increase visibility

Enhance Decision Making

Identify gaps in engagement and optimise your marketing and sales strategies, ensuring your intiatives are both targeted and effective.



Protect owned channel

Prepare for AI Integration

As AI capabilities grow within HubSpot, maintaining clean data is essential for maximising efficiency and performance.



Establish long term growth

Drive Sustainable Growth

By regularly monitoring your contact health, you can create a strong foundation for ongoing success, allowing your business to thrive without relying on external channels.


The challenge of managing contact data

Managing contact data in a CRM can be quite challenging, mainly due to the sheer volume and complexity of information involved. As businesses grow, they often accumulate significant amounts of data from various sources—emails, social media, web forms, and more. This can lead to inconsistent data entry, duplicate records, and outdated information, making it difficult to maintain a reliable database. Ensuring that all team members follow standard data entry practices is essential, but that can be tricky to enforce.

The need for accurate and timely updates adds another layer of complexity. Contacts may change jobs, switch email addresses, or update their preferences, and failing to keep this information current can lead to missed opportunities and ineffective communication. Integrating data from multiple platforms can also present challenges, as discrepancies often arise between different systems. Overall, the dynamic nature of contact data requires ongoing attention and a well-defined strategy to manage it effectively.

If this sounds like a challenge your business knows all too well, our HubSpot Contact Health Report is an ideal starting point. It will give you all the critical contact data you need, in one view, allowing you to make more effective decisions around contact management and strategy.

Want to improve your contact health?

Sign up for our monthly HubSpot Contact Health Report and transform the way you manage your contacts.

Sign up
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About Concentrate 

Formed in 2004, we're a revenue growth agency that helps B2B companies find new ways to grow. We help you respond to buyers that want to engage digitally and have a personalised experience. That don't want to be simply 'sold to'. 

We built our expertise in the tech sector, so we understand the challenges of using tech to drive growth. Making progress can be a challenge given limited resource and expertise.

Concentrate has the people, processes and pragmatism to help you achieve momentum quickly. Let's get moving!

Learn more →

Sign up to get your HubSpot Contact Health Report


What do I need to set up a monthly Contact Health report with Concentrate?

To get started, you'll need to give us access to your HubSpot CRM platform. You'll also need to be actively using the lifecycle stage contact property. However, if you aren't, our friendly team of experts can help get you set up with this view. 

How much does the HubSpot Contact Health Report cost?

Our HubSpot Contact Health Report is a fixed monthly fee of $200 with an initial set-up cost of $400. Please get in touch via the sign up form for more details.

Do I need to have HubSpot to get this report?

Yes, this report is designed specifically for the HubSpot CRM platform. 

How long do I need to commit?

Our base commitment requirements are a 6-month term with a 30-day cancellation policy.

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